Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Causes of Waja-ul- Mafaasil

According to Ali Ibn-e- Abbas Majusi, the etiology of Waja-ul- mafaasil is so obscure and complicated that it is not possible to pinpoint the exact causative factor of the disease.
According to Ibn-e- Sina, the psychic factors play an important role in the causation of this disease. Other factors, which are responsible for the disease, include hereditary and joint weakness etc.
According to Samarqandi the madda (substance) which is responsible for the cause of Waja-ul- mafaasil is of a very thick consistency and white in colour, whereas Ibn Sina states that this madda almost resembles to pus (Reem).
The humours responsible for the development of Waja-ul- mafaasil may be one or more e.g. Balgham (Phlegm), Dam (Blood), Safra (Yellow Bile) and Sauda (Black bile).
Ibn-e- Sina also mentioned that Waja-ul- mafaasil is caused by phlegm, blood, yellow bile and black bile in the decreasing order of frequency are: waja-ul- mafaasil balghami is more common, waja-ul- mafaasil damvi is common, waja-ul- mafaasil safravi is less common while Waja-ul- mafaasil saudavi is rarely found.
According to Majusi, the madda (Substance) causing Waja-ul- mafaasil accumulates in the joints due to the weakness of the joint called as zo’f-e-mafaasil.
According to Jurjani, the under mentioned causes are known as asbabe asli (primary causes).
He states that waja-ul- mafaasil is caused by accumulation of mawaad-e-faasida (Toxic Substances) in the joint which happens due to the factors e.g. joint movement, joint space and joint fluid.
The feature of the joint is that it attracts the fluid (Ratoobat) towards itself. The joint movement is responsible for this condition. The mawad (substances) moves towards the joint by the movement of the joint and the heat produced by the joint movement. The feature of the heat is that it attracts the fluid towards itself.
There is no power of absorption (Quwat-e-Jaziba) in the joints of the body. According to Unani Physicians the absorption of the fluid depends on the heat and as the bones, cartilage, ligaments, etc. which are the major constituents of the joint are having cold and dry temperament, so the Khilt (humour) which enters the joint cannot be reabsorbed and thus gets lodged in the joint. Since the joints does not have the excretory power (Quwat-e-Dafe‘ah) as well so the bad substances which needs to be excreted gets lodged in the joints and thus leading to disturbances in the joint.
The Khilt (humour) in the joint gets putrified and gets converted into the harmful substances, which then induce Waja-ul- mafaasil.
Secondary Factors (Asbabe Arzi)

There are few aggravating factors of arthritis mentioned in the Unani classical books. These are giving up the exercise (tarke riyazat), weakness of stomach (zo’f-e- me’da), derangement (su-e- tarteeb), sedentary life style, regular and excessive use of alcohol, excessive coitus, exercise after meals and cold and catarrh.
Other causes of accumulation of bad humours in the joint are giving up the voluntary habitual excretion (tarke istifragh-e-aadati) e.g. vomiting, purgation, venesection etc., cessation of normal involuntary excretion e.g. menstruation, piles etc., intestinal colic, drinking of water on empty stomach, anxiety, depression and insomnia etc.

As per Unani philosophy the term mizaj (temperament) is used to describe the normal biochemical equilibrium of the cells, tissues, organs and body as a whole. Any change in this equilibrium is termed as su-e-mizaj or derangement of temperament.
Waja-ul- mafaasil is caused by an abnormal change in the body equilibrium due to the derangement of the temperament, which may affect either a whole body or may be confined to the vital organs (A‘aza-e- raiesa).
Su-e- mizaj (derangement of temperament) causing arthritis is of two types:
Su-e-Mizaj Saada: When the derangement is based on the temperament without the involvement of the humours of the body.
Su-e-Mizaj Maddi: When the derangement involves humours or gasses.

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